The Collected and Collated Annals of the battles, wars and conflicts of Aurish Prime: Part 10: Jonathon

"Get me out of here, now!" Governor Plutarch ordered the squad of Navy Breachers.

His palace was lost. Both his men and visiting notables had been cut down by the invading forces. The voidsmen, visiting with Rogue Trader Gezika, slain by the Tau, but only after those foul xenos had slaughtered Phydo, Gezika's pet canid.

Gezika herself, and her entourage, were taken apart by volleys of ion blasters and the metal fists of war suits.

2 squads of Navy Breachers had been in the palace on exercise when the invasion happened. They managed to hold back the enemy... for a time...but not long enough.

He could hear them.

The heavy thudding boots of tactical dreadnought armour, the squelch of Nurgle's followers, the whirr of high tech war suits...

Suddenly, a flicker in the air behind him told him that Jonathan was back. The Eversor, his personal bodyguard, was a highly trained assassin.

Jonathon voxed in, 'Typhus is dead. And the foul creatures that walk with him.

"Thank you, I still need to get out of here. Delay them!"

Jonathon started towards door, the remaining few navy Breachers set up position outside another.

'Let's see you get through that, you bastards' Governor Plutarch said, smugly.

The feeling wasn't to last though. He heard the creaking of the hinges, felt the war air mixing with the cold, smelt the putrescent odour of less than human bodies.

He turned.

"Oh f-", he started, as a plague filled weapon laid down a torrent of filth over him.
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